Ironman Powers Unite!

>> Friday, September 07, 2007

This is Phamie and I along with a bunch of our blogger buddies after getting checked-in at Ironman! Everyone rubbed my smooth body for good luck – I wasn’t ready for that! We now have our official IM bracelets on that give us all access.

We got to our hotel, unloaded our bikes, walked to the Terrace (IM headquarters) to get registered, grabbed a quick bite, met up with bloggers, hit the free pasta meal, and sat through the meeting of all of the rules.

Afterward, Pharmie and I found our spots in transition. She’s 2023, and I’m 386:

Tomorrow, we’re going for a final test swim in Lake Monona, load our bikes and gear bags in transition, and meet up with some family and friends.

Excuse me, but I’m off to do a final body shave. I brought 3 razors because I burn through them like the Republicans go through sex scandals. Zing!


Triteacher 7:50 AM, September 08, 2007  

*Zing* is right! (Love the picking on Republicans bit. ;)) Go get 'em, Hairless Wonder!

greyhound 1:23 AM, September 10, 2007  

Uhm, I did NOT rub your smoothe, hairless body for good luck. Not that there's anything wrong with that. (Perhaps I would have gone faster if I did)

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