First 1 Mile Swim (and Great Climb)

>> Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Without planning it, I did my first one mile swim this morning. I thought I was going to do about 20 laps, but I just kept going and decided to stop at 36 laps (exactly 1 mile). And to make things a little more like swimming in open water, I didn’t push off the walls at all, and I didn’t stop once for a break. It took me about 45-50 minutes, which isn’t bad (for a slow-ass like me).

It’s now 4 hours since I got out of the pool, and I still have goggle marks. I’ve been taking care of some business around MCAD, and I just noticed that I’ve had nice little lines under my eyes the entire afternoon while talking to all of my acquaintances. Oh well.

4+ Hour Goggle Marks

Also, I had a fairly normal bike ride today, only it ended with a climb up Ramsey Hill in St. Paul. It was my third time up the hill, but my first while staying completely in the saddle. I didn’t budge! I got to the top and I was wheezing and I could taste a little blood, but I stayed in my seat, gosh darn it!


Anonymous,  8:50 PM, June 29, 2006  

Good for you, Steve. This passion of yours, I did not know about. All the luck to you, anyway.

Take care,
Catherine Keszei

Anonymous,  9:56 AM, February 23, 2011  

thanks for this tips

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