Proper Biking Attire

>> Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I always encourage people to get out and bike no matter what. You have a 15-year-old, $60 Wal-Mart bike? Great, get out and use it! Your chain is rusted solid? Soak it with some WD-40 and quick whining. You don’t have bike shorts or a good biking jersey? Fine, wear jeans and sneakers - just get out there and bike! Minneapolis/St. Paul has great trails all over the place. Use your bike for errands and get a workout while being good to the environment. (Side note: I biked over 66 miles yesterday while getting stuff done. I went from home in St. Paul to ProColor in MPLS to drop off some film for processing, then down to Brown College in Mendota Heights for a quick meeting, then back to ProColor to pick up my film, and finally back home.) Use your bike, get a workout, and have a great time.

But, for the love of God, please use some common sense. If you don’t have the gear, wear a pair of big ole cotton granny panties instead of a little red string up your butt...

(I actually took this photo [near 394 & Penn]-
it is NOT just some funny photo I pulled off the web!)


Tracy 8:56 PM, July 09, 2006  

OMG!!!!!! This IS a real picture!!! YIKES. Pass the chamois butter puhleeeeze.

Anonymous,  1:28 PM, January 25, 2007  

I don't see anything wrong with cycling in thongs. Actually it looks pretty hot.

Anonymous,  1:08 PM, October 25, 2012  

I want her to give me one of her clean pairs of that red thong and I will were it to school with pants that dont stay up fore everybody to see

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