Does Camping and Canoeing Count as Triathlon Training?

>> Monday, June 19, 2006

This past weekend (Fri, June 16 - Sun, June 18) I was out in Wisconsin with a whole bunch of in-laws. We camped at the Leon Valley Campgrounds near Sparta and canoed down the Kickapoo River, and generally just had a hell of a time.

We canoed all day Saturday until a nasty storm pulled in. We got out of the river early, and a nice, shirtless young man with pierced nip-nips loaded 16 of us (plus himself) into a van and drove us back to our cars. I got to know my brother-in-law a little too well on that cramped van ride, but at least we were off the river and heading back to camp. Pierced nip-nip man, if you’re reading this, here's a heartfelt THANK YOU from that entire van!!

As far as my training over this past weekend....well, I did OK.

What’s that you say?...Eating 30 ounces of Wisconsin cheese is not equivalent to biking 30 miles??

Oh, and getting 10 bug bites is not the same as running 10 miles??

Then I guess I didn’t do squat this weekend....

Out of the canoe with some hooligans in the Kickapoo

Sarah and I in our tent on a rainy Saturday evening


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