...Then Kermit Licked Me All Over

>> Thursday, June 22, 2006

I did my longest run since high school today. It was by myself (without my incredible pacer Sarah) and it was fast (for me). I started running at an 8-minute-mile pace. I’ve never ran at a preset pace to see if I could keep it up before, so I didn’t know how well it would go. At about 1.5 miles in, I wasn’t sure if I could keep up the pace. But at 3 miles, I was 1 minute faster than an 8-minute-mile pace. At about 5.5 miles, I was 2 minutes faster than my pace. I finished at 53 minutes having run 7 miles (3 minutes faster than 8-minute-mile pace). I didn’t think I could do it. But it felt damn good.

I came home and sat down, and Kermit (one of my 2 cats) started licking my legs, arms, and chest. To her, I’m nothing more than a giant, hairy, salt lick.


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