Running with the Boys

>> Saturday, April 18, 2015

Yesterday, I loaded the boys up for an easy run as we headed to Bracket Park:

Bottle for Daddy on the right, bottle for Charlie on the left.
(With Charlie kicking at the stroller cover in the middle.)

Crossing the Mississippi - there are buds on the trees that are ready to POP!

Playing at the park while Charlie napped a little longer (the main point of any stroller run).

Both boys playing.

I got in nearly 6 easy miles the day after a good bike workout (more on that in an upcoming post). We just did an easy run and didn't go to the gym yesterday because Charlie had a fever for the past 36 hours. We actually went to the doctor before the run, but it was probably just a bad cold. Drugs were knocking down the fever, so the doc wasn't too concerned. (Heroin works wonders. JK!)

Here are 6 more photos of the boys from Easter a few weekends ago:

Charlie's reaction when one of Great Grandpa's cows came RIGHT up to his hand!

Cute photo of my family with Great Grandpa Hap and a baby sheep!

Offering up Charlie as a sacrifice to the queen of the cows.

Henry and baby cows.

Easter baskets.

Chocolate time!

Back with some thoughts on a good bike workout soon, and a bit about upcoming races that I'm hoping to do. Happy weekend!


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