Diarrhea Watch: Day 7

>> Thursday, April 16, 2015

Yes. Day 7.

My anus is tender. My morale is low.

I can get in some pretty normal workouts, but then I'll have some loose trots just after that. I did 7.5 easy miles as a long run (an LSD run) yesterday morning. I was fine throughout the entire thing. But when I stopped to walk at the end for 2 blocks, my stomach churned, and I just made it back home in time.

I haven't had a normal poo since Friday morning. And not every poo is diarrhea, but every poo is far from normal.

The silver lining is that I had a good laugh yesterday. Remember on Monday I posted that I wished the bathroom where I was this weekend had one of these?

Well, when the boys and I stopped at the newer Highland Park Library yesterday, Henry had to use the bathroom. We've been to that library about 10 times, but this was the first time in the bathroom. And what did it have? Yep. Here's a photo I snapped:

Henry's on the toilet just to the right, and Charlie's in his carseat at my feet.

I didn't need to strap anyone in yesterday. Thankfully.

Let's raise a pink glass of Pepto in a toast to my tum tum being back to normal soon!


Sarah 9:54 AM, April 16, 2015  

Is it weird that my two favorite fitness/running blogs---yours and shut up+run---start most of your posts with lines like "My anus is tender" and then proceed to talk about poop?

No. Not weird. People who don't enjoy that kind of crap- literally- are probably weird.

Anyway, I hope you get feeling better! I imagine you feel pretty shitty. <-See what I did there?



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