First Decent Training Week in a While!
>> Monday, December 30, 2024
Here's what last week's training looked like:
• TUESDAY: quick upper body. We had a Christmas party all day, so I got up early and did what I could.
• WEDNESDAY: easy run, decent legs, and a little core. This was Christmas day, but we all just hung out at home. I did my run before anyone was up, and then fit in some legs during some "new toy" time in the afternoon. Then some quick core in the evening. Merry Christmas!!
• THURSDAY: good upper body and easy spin. I didn't want to overdo the bike workout knowing I wanted to run hard the next day. But I had a nice long upper body workout early.
• FRIDAY: 800s and 400s on the trail, good legs, and good core. This was a good day of workouts! Here's my post about my intervals from over the weekend - it was raining, but the trails were mainly clear. Then I did good PT legs mid-day, and a lot of core in the afternoon/evening.
• SATURDAY: ANOTHER BIG DAY with a long trainer ride, good upper body, and some outdoor bike miles commuting to the U. My trainer workout was my most common one: 25 min warm-up, 4x10 min efforts with 5 mins easier between (hard, standing, shifting to a harder gear every 2 mins, and alternating standing and seated every 2 mins), then a 25 min cooldown. My upper body workout was good, and then I also got in 12+ miles outside on my mountain bike as I biked to the University and back to scan something for one of Henry's high school applications:
Biking home. The "white Christmas" we had was all washed away
by the rain the day before! (The rain that I did intervals in.)
My "intensity" minutes have looked real different over these last few weeks:
Ready for a more random "new years" week! Happy 2025 everyone!