It's not uncommon for me to give my wife a ride to work in the morning so that she can get in her workout by running home. When she did that 2 days ago, it had just started snowing and the temps had dropped. If you haven't heard, it's currently snowy and cold here:

Wind chill at its worst gusts, but still...
I met her at the door when she got home just in case she looked epically frozen. She asked
"do I have frosty lashes?" But she really didn't. Unfortunately, she looked pretty normal except for some frosty build-up around her mouth:
I shoveled a few inches of snow last night, and it already looked like I had done nothing by the time I went to bed (meaning it had all filled back in), so I'm off to shovel more this morning and snowblow off the driveway. Stay safe out there everyone!
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