Training: First Week of June (and Rural Yardwork)

>> Monday, June 08, 2020

Not a bad non-swimming-because-the-gyms-are-closed week:

• MON: Easy run, a little core, and some decent legs.
• TUES: Quick upper body.
• WED: "Long run" and then core and legs.
• THURS: Good upper body and an hour of nothing special on the trainer.
• FRI: Some "race pace miles" and core and legs.
• SAT: Quick upper body before visiting family.
• SUN: 21 mile ride and then some core.

And here's what we did on Saturday. This is what I posted on Instagram: "We thought the 4 of us were heading to Grandma Monica's house to help in the grove and garden (as she recently had knee surgery). But people kept showing up and Steph brought cakes, so we had an impromptu birthday party for both boys! ❤️🎉🎂"

My mother-in-law directing Charlie, Mama, and Henry in the garden.
(Plus there were a dozen flower gardens to weed.)

I spent all day cutting and hauling brush.

Sarah coming to help me at the end of the day.

Giving the niece and nephews a ride on the golf cart (yes, a selfie WHILE driving).


Here are 4 more pics I didn't share. Once, as Henry and I were dropping a load off at the pile of burning branches behind the shed (not the burning pile pictured above - there were a total of 4 fires going for most of the day), I noticed smoke from the dried wood pile about 50-100 feet down wind from the actual fire. The wind had changed, and we were about 20 minutes from losing 2 old sheds and potentially part of the grove from embers that had ignited the pile! We quickly threw about ten 5 gallon buckets of water on it, I spent another 20 minutes soaking it down. (It was smoldering for those ENTIRE 20 minutes, so it didn't want to die!) Here's a pic during the wetting process once we knew we were safe:

For scale: that diagonal piece is as tall as me. That big piece to the left is HUGE.

Looking over the top: there was a LOT more ready to go up.

Shot from the right of the previous image. Note the smoke
coming from the *actual* burn pile out-of-frame to the left.

My eyes were sore for 36 hours from standing in that smoke for 20 minutes. And here was what my leg looked like once we got home at 10:30 that night:


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