May in Review

>> Thursday, June 04, 2020

You know, I WAS going to say this looks pretty normal, but there's nothing normal about gyms being closed in the middle of a global pandemic and about ending the month with a week of curfews because of rioting. Regardless, here's May:

• NO SWIMMING. Gyms are closed.

• MY FIRST REAL BIKE RIDES OF 2020. Nearly 60 miles between 3 rides, and then 2 more rides totaling 5 miles with the boys, making the month come in at 64.78 miles.

• DECENT TRAINER TIME. I put in 5 hours and 28 minutes on the trainer, but it was mainly easy.

• 2ND BIGGEST MONTH OF STRENGTH WORK. And strength work every day! My 3 biggest (lifetime) months have been March (37:39), April (34:26), and May (36:06) all of this year. That's averaging over an hour each day. Gettin' swole, brah.

• MY FIRST 3 HARD RUNS! They were all 2 weeks apart: the 1st, 15th, and the 29th. I did fartleks first, then added a fartlek, and then did some mile repeats around home as I posted about on Tuesday. And my monthly total is slowly moving up: 37 miles in March (first running since August of last year), then 58 miles in April, and now 62.5 miles in May. Nothing amazing about those numbers, but it's finally SOMETHING.


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