Semi-Wordless Wednesday: My Protein / Breakfast Story

>> Wednesday, June 24, 2020

For the last year (since sometime in May or June of 2019), we've had up to 3 cases of protein on top of our basement upright freezer:

Down to 1 case now.

18 protein shakes when full.

We got them because I like them after hard/long runs or rides. But then I turned up injured in August of last year, and didn't start running until March (and not "hard" or "long"). A few months ago, I realized we still had 40 or so protein shakes ready to expire in July. So I started working out before I had breakfast (something I've NEVER done before) and then I'd have a shake afterwards. And it would hold me over until lunch. The first case I finished were all quite sludgy on the bottom (*barf*), but this final case still tastes perfect.

Before this past winter, I bet I've "skipped" breakfast maybe 10 times in the previous 5 years. And now it's the new standard - I've maybe skipped breakfast 30 times in the last 6 weeks. I'm hardly going through milk (I've starting buying half gallons) because my cereal consumption is way down. I'm enjoying it, but I don't know what to do when this case runs out. Stock up again? Or go back to more cereal? We'll see.


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