
>> Saturday, February 16, 2019

All this snow is getting old. I heard this past week that we had 20" of snow over 8 days. An average February yields about 7" of snow for this area. We're now over 20" for the month, and we just need about 6 more inches to break a February record (of 26.5").

This past Mon, Tues, and Wed, my wife took the boys to the park to go sledding in the evening. Henry tried his snowboard from Christmas for the first time, and he was decent at it! Here are a few pics from the week in snow:

Henry (and Charlie back there) at the top of the Merriam Park hill.

Henry's snow fort from all the snow thrown off the driveway.

My wife after a cross-country ski at the nearby golf course.

Another night at the hill, this time with a neighbor boy too.

Charlie and our neighbor.

St. Paul's standard 8' stop signs are starting to disappear!

I just posted this photo of the boys after 90 minutes of sledding on a state park adventure.

I haven't posted a workout update in a while, and I have some photos to share from the last 3 days the boys and I have spent in a camper cabin in western MN, so I'll be back with one of those things shortly. Happy weekend!


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