Quick Running Update

>> Saturday, February 23, 2019

No time for a big post right now. (Hopefully more on Monday.) My parents were up yesterday and I took my Mom (who's been teaching piano for 40+ years) out for a fun meal at Zelo, and then to the MN Orchestra for the FIRST time! I posted these 4 pics on Instagram:

At Zelo.

I had some tasty duck!

At our seats at the MN Orchestra. Some of the best seats in the house!

Five minutes before it started.

Anyway, on to a quick running update...

I had a pretty solid week! I hit 22 miles of running for the week, which is about the farthest I've ran over these last few months. I had a long run (on the treadmill) on Tuesday of 10.75 miles! I hope to go more than 11 this next Tuesday (as I have time between class and a faculty meeting).

Wednesday was a decently hard trainer ride.

Thursday was more 1 mile intervals like I did 3 weeks ago and posted about a few days ago. Three weeks ago, I averaged 5:32/mile pace for 3x1 mile intervals. Two days ago, I averaged under 5:29/mile. Moving in the right direction!

Today, I just ran easy (on the treadmill again, because we got more snow last night - my wife turned around a mile into her run this morning).

Tomorrow, I plan on just spinning for 60-80 minutes without much effort. It's been a solid week, and I don't want to hurt myself. Next week, I'd like to do another long run on Tuesday as I mentioned, and then maybe hit the bike hard a few times. Maybe it can be a "focus on the bike" week.

Back with more soon!


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