Thanksgiving Week Training

>> Monday, November 26, 2018

Last week's training looks pretty decent. It looks EXTRA good knowing it was the week of Thanksgiving, both boys were home on Wednesday, and my wife worked this weekend:

• MON: 200s in the pool, and some good physical therapy moves for my legs.
• TUES: an easy/moderate 7+ mile run between classes.
• WED: Spinervals bike workout (only 2nd hard ride of the winter), and good upper body and core.
• THURS: 9.9 mile run that FELT HORRIBLE before turkey. Just felt sluggish.
• FRI: ladder swim, and physical therapy exercises for legs.
• SAT: run with the boys (shown this weekend), and upper body.
• SUN: my first outdoor ride in 6 weeks (18 miles easy), and some core.

Yesterday's ride was a memorial ride of sorts for my college buddy Aaron who died of brain cancer exactly 4 years ago yesterday. My/his friend Jamey and I did a ride 3 years ago in his name too. Yesterday, 4 of us got together to ride 18 miles in 25 degree WINDY weather:

Jamey, Spidey, me, Alex, and Tony.

Jamey, Alex, and I were college friends with Aaron, and Tony worked with Aaron for a while. I actually did a photo job for Tony at a firm he used to work at yeeeeeears ago. I posted that photo above and then added to that caption: "If you remember, Aaron admitted to being Spider-Man in his obituary (which went viral), and then we carried this same Spider-Man 175 miles in a 24-hour relay fundraiser for Aaron’s family (Nora and Ralphie)."

Here's the post announcing Aaron's death (and sharing his great obit), and here't the "race report" for the 24 relay.


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