Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Bike Trainer Workouts

>> Wednesday, November 28, 2018

I started keeping track of WHICH Spinervals workout I do so that I don't end up doing the same few workouts all the time. We have 5 Spinveral DVDs (some of which are 2-3 hours long), and 2 other bike DVD workouts (one that's filmed as first-person in a crit, and another random one).

Here was how I kept track 2 winters ago (2016-2017):

And here was last winter's (2017-2018):

A circle on the FIRST half or LAST half of a date
means I did the FIRST half or LAST half of that workouts.

I've been on my trainer 2x/week for the last 6-8 weeks, but I've only really started doing "workouts" 10 days ago. So the 2018-2019 list of workouts has begun!


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