Goldilocks is No More!

>> Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Well, my old bike still exists. She just no longer resides under my roof. Last month, this happened:

That’s a nice man (also named Steve) who found Goldilocks on my Facebook “marketplace” ad. He smiled and admitted that he scrolled through the public posts on my Facebook page to “check me out,” (in a non-sexual way - just to “see what I was all about”) and he came across many race reports (I don’t have much that’s “public,” but many of those are). He enjoyed hearing about me racing, and he hopes to do the same one of these years. Which means I could bump into Goldilocks again!

We chatted a lot about training and racing, and I gave him advice on bike shoes and bike fit (he took her for 2 test drives as we adjusted minor things to get Goldilocks to fit him better).

For a bit of nostalgia, here’s spiffy, clean, blemish-free Goldilocks from when I first brought her home on Valentines Day in 2009 as seen in this post:

And sort-of related to this, here’s a bit from this post in 2010 that shows my first bike (Big Rhonda) being sold to Andres and then being raced on by Andres:

Soooo long ago!

That ole' bike got me through my first half IM and my only Ironman!


Keith 8:44 AM, August 23, 2017  

I don't ride Estela as much as I should. Maybe next year. But I have so many good memories riding her on the hills between Calgary and the mountains that it would be a real struggle to sell her. Even knowing she was going to a good home where she'd be ridden lots.

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