Great Core Workout and Upcoming Du

>> Thursday, May 24, 2007

So the training’s been going OK. My knee still pisses me off. But on the upside, I figured out a great new core workout. Here it is:

Step 1: Purchase an old home that needs kitchen work.

Step 2: Tear up top 3 levels of kitchen floor only to discover a crappy felt underlayment that just won’t budge.

Step 3: Cuss.

Step 4: Spray sections of the felt crap with a soapy-water mixture.

Step 5: Assume a half-squat pose. Place your back foot at a 45 degree angle. Bend about 45 degrees at the waist. Take a square edged shovel and go to town on the wet felt crap.

Step 6: Feel the burn! (and cuss again) Seriously though, my core was POPPIN'!

I’m going to sell this workout on late-night T.V. So if you just read this, you owe me 3 easy payments of $19.95. But wait! There’s more! If you call in the next half hour, I’ll throw in a shovel that is perfectly contoured to create enormous blisters on your right hand! Too good to be true? Well, you better believe it! You can’t live your life without this deal!

On a completely different note, I’m competing in the Apple Duathlon in Sartell, MN on Saturday. The format is: run 5 K, bike 33 K, run 5 K. I’m not in as good as shape as last year (I would be in better shape if it weren’t for ol’ lefty), and last year I finished in 1:54:30 (23:04 min run, 1:06:29 bike, 23:24 min run). I think I’ll be happy with a sub 2 hour finish this weekend. Unfortunately, Pharmie won’t be there, and I know that I just do better with her around. Stay tuned for a race report early next week. Have a great weekend!


RunBubbaRun 5:30 AM, May 25, 2007  

I'm not a big fan of home improvement, but necessary sometimes.. Just make sure Pharmie stays away from the "extreme home makeover" show on TV. They start gettin ideas!!!

Good luck at the duathlon.

Allez 7:42 AM, May 25, 2007  

Room remodels always end up being more work than what you think at first!

TRI Vortex 3:39 PM, May 25, 2007  

Feel the burn. I just retiled the kitchen counter tops. Sucked ass but my upper body got a great workout.

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