Dear Blogger:

>> Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Dear Blogger,

I’m sorry it’s been a while. I’ve been frustrated with a few things lately. And I know - it’s not fair to take it out on you. I apologize for going so long without any contact whatsoever. Yes, I know how to use a phone. I’m sorry I haven’t called. Please, just let me explain.

You see, it’s my knee. Yes, I know I’ve been using that excuse for over 6 months now, but it’s still an issue. I swear. Hear me out. I few weeks ago, I tried ramping up my distances. I kept it within reason, but I’ve got to start building up my workouts or IM WI will NOT happen. It was going OK. My P.T. told me to try some run-offs, so one afternoon after a short 17 mile ride, I tried to go for a run. I was less than a mile into it, and I had to stop.

A few days later, things had been going better: I had a nice run, some good swims, and I was ready to test it again. So I did my assigned pre-workout stretches and started out on a nice 28 mile ride. My knee was good, then it hurt, then it was good, then it hurt bad, then it was great, then blah blah blah. I got home and iced and thought that, overall, it was a good ride. That evening and for the next 2 to 3 days, I couldn’t walk up steps without a horrible visible limp. I would wake up each morning with crazy knee aches. I took a week off. Pissed.

So my P.T. gave me 2 new exercises and stretches 2 days ago. So now I’m up to 178 exercises per day that take a combined time of 29 hours. OK, yes, I’m exaggerating; I’m just frustrated - just let me finish. I went on an OK run 2 days ago, and last nights bike ride was the usual: pain, no pain, lots of pain, no pain... but I can walk fine today. The pain came about 5 miles after starting. That’s not an IM.

This morning, I went to lift weights. I wanted a great workout. I figured, if I couldn’t be doing much else today, at least I could lift. But about 20 minutes in, I started getting all pissy again. I hit my chest, abs, and arms pretty good, but I just couldn’t get revved up to do much else. My stupid knee felt fine, but it kept me from wanting to do much more. I’m simply very frustrated.

In conclusion, I hope you take me back, Blogger. I will try to start to be a better boyfriend. I will listen and visit more often. You did nothing wrong. To rely on an old standby: It’s not you, it’s me. Well, I guess that’s not quite accurate. More specifically: It’s not me, it’s knee.


RobbyB 1:42 PM, May 16, 2007  


I feel your pain. (Not literally, but I have had pains similar to yours.)

Have you had your bike fit recently evaluated? Seems to me like your problems start to get bad after you ride your bike. I went to a fitting and they added shims under my clips to align my knee over my foot. The shims made a huge difference and the pain eventually went away.

I also have had great success with the graphite sorbothane inserts in my running shoes.

Keep up the streching and good luck!

See you at WIBA?

Steve Stenzel 2:15 PM, May 16, 2007  

Thanks Robby. And YES, Pharmie and I will be at WIBA. Wouldn't miss it for the world. See you then!

Chris 2:41 PM, May 16, 2007  

Ugh. Sorry to hear about the bum knee. Did the doc try and even diagnose you with anything? Or did they just give the usual "stay off it and come see me in a couple weeks if it doesn't get better"?

If it makes you feel any better, your weekly volume is probably about the same as mine is right now. And I don't even have any excuses!

TRI Vortex 4:11 PM, May 16, 2007  

Don't worry, the internet isn't going anywhere. Sux about the knee. I had a few problems with mine when I first started training. Now it seems that my feet what to ducktoe in. Weird.

This should make you feel better: your weekly volume IS MORE than mine. hahaha

marz_racer 9:29 AM, May 17, 2007  

Injuries suck! Hang in there and do what you have to and take care of it. Remember, you are "Young and Stretchy", you'll snap back.

Anonymous,  8:58 AM, May 18, 2007  

Blogger still loves you! I can definitely commiserate. I can also say that, more than likely, things will start to look up soon. Your friend in commiseration and far too numerous PT exercises...Mallie

John 1:17 PM, May 18, 2007  

I agree with robby. When I got my new bike I had to go back a second time for an adjustment. I guess things can shift around after a some time in the saddle.

Knee pain sucks!

E-Speed 4:03 AM, May 20, 2007  

sorry to hear the knee isn't getting better as quickly as you would like. Keep that PT on their toes! I know there has got to be a way for you to train and heal.

RunBubbaRun 5:37 AM, May 20, 2007  

Sorry to hear that the knee is still giving you crap..

Try a different PT approach or a different doc.. It might help.

Hang in there...

Lance Notstrong 9:47 AM, May 23, 2007  

Is the pain on the bike when you are on the aerobars or up on the hood? Or just all the time? Could be just a saddle adjustment. Fore/Aft

cadesdad 1:54 PM, May 23, 2007  

Does this mean you won't be at Apple Du?

FYI... You'll probably want to correct the kind folks in Sartell. Based upon appearances, you are not female!

Individual Entry Steve Stenzel St. Paul MN 3/13/1981 26 Female Yes

Steve Stenzel 10:01 AM, May 24, 2007  

Lance - the pain shows up when it wants too, aero or not.

Cadesdad - what?!? I'm a dude! I need to correct that! Thanks for letting me know!

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