Frozen Long Run and SlowTwitch Article

>> Monday, January 18, 2016

I bundled up for a cold run early Sunday morning. Post-run, I Instagrammed this:

Caption: "11+ miles, 15 below air temp, 35 below windchill."

I had no idea I was that icy. Really. It was getting harder to blink, so I knew there was ice on my lashes, and I saw bits of ice on the tip of my nose now-and-then, but I had NO idea I looked like this until I got home and took that photo.

(BTW, the run was 11.2 miles, and I picked up the effort a bit for the middle 5 miles. I shot for around 7:00s, which feels more like 6:30-6:45 when running in that cold. My middle 5 mile splits were: 6:59, 7:01, 6:47, 6:26, and 6:26, for an average pace of 6:43.8 for those miles. Good.)

I posted that photo around 8:40 a.m. Then about 40 minutes later, someone from SlowTwitch (a triathlon website) contacted me and asked to use my photo in an article. He had a few questions about what I was training for. Finally, a few hours later I get a link to a SlowTwitch article. I thought my photo was going to be something they added to an article about winter training, but it turns out the article was based around my photo. The article was called "No excuses - just getting it done," which gives you the gist of the story.

It's fitting that the only direct quote from me was:

"I had 6 layers of fabric over my privates, but I got the run done," said Stenzel.


CLICK HERE to check out the article on SlowTwitch.

Oh, and my wife went for a short run after I did yesterday. She got back and posted this:

Her caption: "3.5 quick frosty miles. Minus 10 air temp, -30 wind chill."

She only had 2 layers over her privates. But being she's a doctor and knows more about bodies than I do, she reminded me that her privates are inside.


Shinianen 3:01 PM, January 18, 2016  

Hahahaha! Love that they wrote an article around your photo.

Also, I had hoped your wife would point out that lady parts are inside, thus requiring fewer layers ... ;-)

drdave 7:50 AM, January 19, 2016  

Pretty sure I could have run sub 6's yesterday running WITH the wind we are having here in Michigan. I passed, fearing death from the wind and cold. Yeah, yeah...I am that wimpy. Glad to see you had more icicles than you wifey.

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