Good News/Bad News/No News

>> Wednesday, February 20, 2008

• First, the Bad News:

I made a “video application” for Team EvoTri in order to try to be added as a member of their team. It was a long shot, but worth a try. My video didn’t make the cut into the top 10. Boo. It was even more of a bummer because 3 of the 5 people on the team are fun, quality individuals (not to say the other 2 aren’t, but I personally know how great 3 of them are). Voting takes place over these next 2 weeks, so head over to Team EvoTri’s website to watch the top 10 videos and vote for the person who you think should become the newest member of the team.

• Now, the Good News:

I just received my reviews from fall semester. Every student fills out a form that rates different aspects of the class, as well as how I did as their professor. At the end, there is a place for additional comments. Those are always fun to read, but few are actually helpful. For example, here are some that I just received:

“Steve is great. Woo-woo.”
“Steve Stenzel is the coolest man alive. He is definitely my idol. We love Steve!!”
“Steve is very well organized, it helped so much that he was eager to help, and that he actually knew what he was talking about. Steve rules.”

Now, I know being a “fun” or “cool” professor doesn’t make me a good professor, but it’s still kinda nice to hear. However, out of all of the useless comments, this one is the best that I’ve ever received:

“This is completely true: I’ve had bad anxiety and was given some anti-anxiety CD’s. I was asked to envision a peaceful place where I felt safe, and I pictured Steve’s classroom because I love it so much. This is completely true.”

Talk about heartwarming! I think I teared up a little when I first read it! It’s small things like this that make teaching so darned great!

• Finally, the No News:

I have another event coming up. I’ve been keeping busy with a bunch of small events just on the horizon, and it’s been helpful to keep me motivated all winter. This Sunday, I’m doing my 3rd annual indoor triathlon in the Lifetime Fitness in Chanhassen, MN. I’m in wave 11, which starts at 10:20 am. Wish me luck!

Oh, one last bit of “no news:” I’m hungry. Someone get me a burrito.


Wedgie 7:14 PM, February 20, 2008  

Surely some of your stalkers must have listed your studliness in the reviews? Do students have to rate a professor's hairiness 'cause you'd get high marks all around.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland 7:22 PM, February 20, 2008  

Aw, I bet you even have a chili pepper on :-)

My students only write useful things like "It gets confusing when you go back and correct a mistake."

Chad 8:45 PM, February 20, 2008  

At least your students leave some type of comments. When I was in college the professor was lucky if I filled it out, much less actually put any thought into some comments.

Anne 9:01 PM, February 20, 2008  

I'd say those student comments more than make up for the team slight.

ShirleyPerly 11:02 PM, February 20, 2008  

What subject do you teach? I never got any reviews like that when I was teaching out at NPS. Then again, they were all military officers so perhaps such a review would have been out of character.

Good luck on the tri!

Stef0115 12:00 AM, February 21, 2008  

Good luck on your indoor tri!

Love the comments. You just never ever know what people will say.

Taconite Boy 4:58 AM, February 21, 2008  

Well done. What a heart warming comment!

RunBubbaRun 5:58 AM, February 21, 2008  

You didn't make the EVOTRI cut, what's up with that, maybe the video became pg-13 because of the undies.

Cool professor, indeed, if they only knew your other hairy side.

jahowie 10:01 AM, February 21, 2008  

Very cool comments. Good luck on your next race!!

Dana 10:10 AM, February 21, 2008  

I have no doubt that you are a great professor. Good luck at the indoor tri & here's your burrito!

Anonymous,  10:54 AM, February 21, 2008  

very nice feedback from your student :)

Good luck with the indoor tri!!

triguyjt 2:27 PM, February 21, 2008  

the comments from students trump all the other stuff...don't you think....
thats very cool.
sorry on the evotri video. i think one of the judges must have a thing about triathletes who shave . or something like that....
the student comments should warrant a raise.
good luck on the indoor tri--

I ate the burrito. sorry

Kellye Mills 3:22 PM, February 21, 2008  

That's awesome how you have the opportunity to really experience how you're making a difference. I always thought one of the hardest things about teaching for me was not always getting to have those moments and then it feels sometimes like it's all just a waste.

But it sounds like you're doing a really great job!! Keep at it!!

Kellye Mills 3:22 PM, February 21, 2008  

That's awesome how you have the opportunity to really experience how you're making a difference. I always thought one of the hardest things about teaching for me was not always getting to have those moments and then it feels sometimes like it's all just a waste.

But it sounds like you're doing a really great job!! Keep at it!!

Lily on the Road 6:33 PM, February 21, 2008  

Thanks for stopping by! Get you a burrito!!??, no wonder we get along! Nacho's and salsa ARE a food group...

Congrat's on the student compliments!

Stay in touch, oh by the way, you've taught me a lot about exfoliating!!! Must try some of these techniques.....

Best wishes for the indoor tri!

Marcy 7:50 PM, February 21, 2008  

I was wondering the same thing as ShirleyPerly, you don't teach sex ed do you? :P Only playin, but I'm sure you're probably a killer prof! No doubts.

Mel 10:10 PM, February 21, 2008  

OH that cracks me up with the shaving steps....brave man!!!!

Good luck on your race and hope you received that burrito :)

21stCenturyMom 11:46 PM, February 21, 2008  

Those are great reviews.

And I guess I don't understand this Evotri thing because I thought this set of rounds was just for the 1st person and that they are choosing 3 or something. No?

Good luck on your tri!

Kim 10:33 AM, February 22, 2008  

can i be you when i grow up?!

sorry to hear about the Evotri team, but you acn relish in that you won 2nd place in best endurance blog!!!

your students love you!

and good luck this weekend!

Brian 10:56 AM, February 22, 2008  

I wish I had cool professors when I was in school. My professors were the stereotypical accounting type people. Boring. I'll blame that on my poor grades.

Sarah 12:39 PM, February 22, 2008  

Have I been here yet? I don't think I have! Why not. Man, nice job on the blog award. And I loved the body hair removal post. Ha!

Jessica 2:16 PM, February 22, 2008  

I totally miss my moonlighting teaching gig at the U, comments at the end of the semester made it all worthwhile.

Good luck at the first tri of the season!!! You'll probably go and win the thing or something.

CoachLiz 6:15 PM, February 22, 2008  

Congrats on the great student comments.

Give me the details on how Lifetime runs that indoor tri. It is too warm in Texas for us to market one of those, but it might be worth a tri...HA!

Good luck sighting in the Lazy River. :0)


Anonymous,  12:05 AM, February 23, 2008  

I don't know if they leave out the text formatting when they give your comments to you, but that last "this is completely true" was supposed to be capitalized and underlined. That's the way I wrote it, at least. As you can see, that makes quite the difference in the emphasis of its trueness.

Also, since I couldn't add it when I wrote it out by hand, perhaps a bold would be in order. I just didn't want anyone to think I made it up. Also, I am anonymous though you know who I am.

Michelle 2:55 PM, February 23, 2008  

I would bet you are one of those profs a student never forgets. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back and a burrito to boot.

I hope I was one of the 'nice, quality people' from the Evotri team and not some weird crazy aunt nobody wants to talk about!

Kick some butt at your tri this weekend!

tracie 3:25 PM, February 23, 2008  


I just tagged you. It's a pain, but I hope you do it anyway!

The rules are as follows:
# Link to the person who tagged you
# Post the rules on your blog.
# Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
# Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
# Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

brendaj 1:23 PM, February 24, 2008  

Wow - coolest man alive is a pretty nice compliment!

Nat 6:58 PM, February 24, 2008  

I think I saw you today (Sunday) doing the indoor tri at Chan. I work at lifetime part-time. I wanted to harass you but you were running and I decided that would be pretty mean. How did it go? I also have a question for both you and pharmie. I'm throwing around the idea of doing a full ironman in a year or two. I'm wondering what program you guys used to train?

Caroline Houdek 9:57 PM, March 02, 2008  

Awh, your students love you. That is awesome! And I have to let you know I am a member of your fan club on Facebook! ;-)

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