Damn Knee

>> Thursday, December 14, 2006

I’ve been rolling out my leg and knee with my new 4-inch foam roller over the past 2 weeks, trying to keep my IT band loose. It’s been constantly sore for a few weeks, and I’ve been taking it easy. But I decided to run last night at the Y in order to try out my legs. I figured a treadmill would be smart because I could stop as soon as my knee started to hurt. So I rolled my knee ahead of time, and put on my knee brace. I hopped on a treadmill. I get SO BORED when I have to do something like that on a stationary machine.

The machine read "0.09 miles" when I was ready to shoot myself from the monotonous boredom.

But I knew I wasn’t in it for the long haul. I was just testing out my knee. I ran with just a little tightness/soreness until mile 1.4 when it got worse. I continued until I hit one and a half miles. I needed to go more than that. My knee needed to be stronger than that. How frustrating.


Trisaratops 7:29 AM, December 15, 2006  

Ouch! Hope it's better soon.

FYI--I'm swimming approximately 25 yards or whatever I can take before hypothermia in 36 degree LAKE ERIE on January 1. :)

Yeah! Beat THAT!

Lance Notstrong 10:04 PM, December 15, 2006  

Take it slow, it'll come back.

RunBubbaRun 9:19 PM, December 17, 2006  

You can try water running, that is actually more boring than the treadmill (I actually like the treadmill). But it might help you recover while keeping fit, so they say.

Joy | Love | Chaos 9:49 AM, January 24, 2007  

My IT band is the BANE OF MY EXISTANCE! I can't even tell you how many times I just wanted to scream at my knee, even with perfect strangers around.

But, I've found a great deal of success with an above the knee band. (I can send you a link if you're interested.) I've made it through more miles in the last few weeks than I thought possible and without pain!

I'm also convinced that all my extra sets of kicking in the pool have helped -- but that's my totally unedumacated opinion. It just seems to be making my hip muscles stronger.

Anyway, hope that helps!

(Oh, and I hear ya about the dreadmill. Would rather poke my eyes out with toothpicks than run inside.)

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