Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Ben Garvin’s TC Marathon Photos

>> Wednesday, October 09, 2024

I always love seeing Ben Garvin’s work at the finish line. TC in Motion shared an album of 100 photos of his, and here are 30-some of my favorite:

Ouch! This appears to be a son helping his mother
across the line having just both done a 5:40 marathon.

I LOVE a good “ugly cry” at the finish!

Close-up of the last photo - marathon salt!

Close-up of the last photo - Ben captured the tear!

This is a running buddy who didn’t want to see this photo
(after running a lot slower than he had hoped).

”Best ‘ugly cry’” award!

Back with a few more post-race thoughts tomorrow.

Here’s my TC 10 Mile RACE REPORT if you missed it!


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