More Photos of a WAY TOO BRIGHT Speedo

>> Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sean, a tri buddy and one of the guys that helps run Final Stretch races, took a few photos of me out there racing the Waseca Sprint Triathlon. And so did my cousin-in-law Bridget (seen in my last post). Here are some of their photos.

Sean got the first pic of me out in public in my new suit. I was walking to the lake to fill my bucket.

I love how it seems to glow in this photo! ;)

I took my bike for a test ride in just that jammer, and Sean snapped a photo (with Suzie in the foreground) as I was heading back towards transition:

Steve, the owner of the Final Timing (the timing company that timed the event), told me “You’ve already got a ‘bowl full of sunshine!’ So what are these? A bowl full of Tutti Frutti?” Love it. ;)

Next, Bridget snapped a lot of photos during the race.

Just before my start.

Just after starting. That’s me in the lower left. (I think.)

I forgot to mention this in my race report: I started towards the outside, but with a number people in front of me. But I didn’t have to swim through or around them in the water, because THEY all got out of MY way! I’ve never had this happen before! Here’s basically how it went down:

That’s really how it happened! I had clear water in front of me and a straight line to the corner buoy about 20 seconds after starting!

Sean was out on the bike course, and he yelled like a mad-man and grabbed a photo of me heading back in with about 2 miles left:

Katherine was about a block in front of me, and Matt was just getting ready to pass me at this point. Bridget was back at transition, and she got a photo of Matt and I running in:

Katherine running out, me running out while clipping my race belt, and Matt getting into his shoes.

Coming to the line as 5th overall.

Why do my ankles look so weak / dainty / helpless?

Soon, Matt came storming to the line as he held off an “attacker” to take the 2nd Clydesdale spot by 1 second! Here’s Matt running strong and the 3rd place Clydesdale trying to make a pass just on the edge of the frame:

And post race, Sean grabbed a photo of me talking to heat-stroked Lydia in the med tent. And you can see Suzie’s feet laying on the cot behind me as she was trying to cool down too:

I hope you 2 are fully recovered and FINALLY cool!

I posted an Examiner article about the race with more photos than what have been seen in my last 2 posts. CLICK HERE to check that out.

Thanks again for the photos Sean and Bridget (and Annie in the last post)! Now everyone, go get some soap for your eyes! ;) I promise I'll put away those "bowl full of Tutti Frutti" shorts for a while...


Unknown 7:48 AM, August 04, 2010  

your speedo makes me laugh out loud. i told my husband (a new TRI guy) that he's got to read your blog....although i'm afraid he'll show up in a tiny speedo :)

Damie 8:05 AM, August 04, 2010  

the dainty ankle comment was funny :) congrats on 5th overall!!!!

Kim 8:33 AM, August 04, 2010  

you see in your finishing photo there is a woman covering her eyes. awesome!

Sun Runner 8:39 AM, August 04, 2010  

I think you should call your awesome new suit "Froot Loops." :)

Steve Stenzel 9:24 AM, August 04, 2010  

OH MY GOD, KIM! How did I not see that! ;)

SwimBekiSwim 9:43 AM, August 04, 2010  

To elaborate on Kim's comment... It looks like "Speak No Evil, See No Evil" to me (the two ladies, respectively)!

Chic Runner 12:02 PM, August 04, 2010  

This is seriously the most hilarious thing ever. I am honored to even have met you! ha ha ha ha

Caratunk Girl 3:18 PM, August 04, 2010  

Holy crap, that is so funny. That speedo. I mean, holy crap. I wouldn't forget you that is for sure!! AND love the diagram of the swimmers and you.

Matt 8:55 PM, August 04, 2010  

Pythagoras thanks you for swimming the hypotenuse.

Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 11:11 PM, August 04, 2010  

Wow, I'm glad the photos came out good! You're butt looks really good in those...ummm, you know what I mean. Great post and thanks again for the great write-up and plug!! : )

Anonymous,  11:09 AM, August 05, 2010  

You have the craziest fun EVER!!

Jamie 8:22 PM, August 11, 2010  

By the way, I used this post to show my girlfriend and say "Hey Sam, at least I don't wear THAT!"

She seemed slightly more accepting of my other speedos...

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