WIBA Bound!

>> Thursday, July 05, 2007

Tomorrow (Friday, July 6), Pharmie and I are headed out to Madison for a weekend of IM preparation. We are taking part in WIBA, or the “Wisconsin Ironman Brick Adventure.” We went out last year for Pharmie, and we met some super folks! During their ride last year, I walked to Arbys from our hotel and had some curly fries. This year, I’ll be working my ass off along with the rest of them.

As far as I know, we’ll go out to eat with the WIBA crew on Friday night, ride the IM WI bike course and then do a run off at the end of the ride on Saturday (when it’s supposed to be 96 degrees), and then go for an open water swim on Sunday morning (which Pharmie and I may or may not stick around for). It should be a blast! I’ll have pictures along with my thoughts of the IM WI bike course sometime next week.

On a separate note, earlier this week I went for a morning bike ride with my shirt off. Rarely do I ride with my shirt off because it always seems kinda skeezy. I don’t know why, but it just does. But it was a HOT day with stagnant, sticky, gross air. Anyway, I apparently needed sunscreen. My entire back USE TO be the color of that white line right above my shorts. Oops.


RunBubbaRun 6:53 PM, July 05, 2007  

I'll see ya on saturday up in MOO.

Make sure your brakes work, there is some fast descents..

later Lobster man, okay Mr. buffy hairy lobster Man..

Wedgie 4:15 AM, July 06, 2007  

How is it possible that yoy have better abs on your back than I have on my front?

Born To Endure 6:53 AM, July 06, 2007  

Well, well..aren't we looking all muscular and stuff..:-)) Have fun at WIBA!!!

:) 12:59 PM, July 06, 2007  

owie...take care of that. have fun this weekend!

Scott Shiba 8:35 PM, July 06, 2007  

that doesn't look at ALL painful ;)

Spokane Al 7:12 PM, July 07, 2007  

I trust you stay aero on the bike - it looks like those massive lats could stop a whole bunch of air.

teacherwoman 9:15 AM, July 09, 2007  

High Five on the sunburn! I hope it doesn't peel on ya!

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