Doughnut Run Results

>> Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sorry this is so late...busy week. Anyway, here are the official results from last weekends EPIC 5K:

Time: 28:54
Doughnuts Eaten: 15
Doughnut Adjusted Time: 10:24
Place: 1st out of 300

I was shooting for a single digit adjusted time, but I underestimated how hard those last few doughnuts would go down. I had reached my limit, but was trying to force more inside of me.

And I want to thank you for all the SUPER FUN comments on my last post. You guys are all the best! Thanks!! More to come soon...


Dan Seifring aka "OBRATS" 2:24 PM, April 16, 2008  

That is a very strong finish Steve. Nice work.

Formulaic 2:25 PM, April 16, 2008  

I was going to congratual you on another 'hard' earned victory, but then I notice that second place was a 53 year old man who ate 20!

How crap! I hope that he had the EMT ready!

Great job, funny as always and inspirational too!

Kellye Mills 3:49 PM, April 16, 2008  

What happened to the NOT eating donuts like crazy plan?? :)

You amaze me each and everytime I read this! You're too funny!!

Congratulations on your running and apparently you're a super eater too!!

Maybe you should think about one of those eating contests??? :)

Bullet 4:14 PM, April 16, 2008  

Dude, this is freaking awesome. I can't say that I'd be able to hold my donuts down on that one. Good job.

Michelle 7:42 PM, April 16, 2008  

15 doughnuts?! I am not at all surprised that you won! Good job.
How did your tummy feel afterward?

Unknown 7:59 PM, April 16, 2008  

It's such a funny concept (donut adjusted time) and even funnier looking at the official results. LOL

CoachLiz 10:09 PM, April 16, 2008  

I love how the young kids were running in at 17 and 19 minutes but only downing 1 or 2 donuts. Did they really think that they were going to win???

That is awesome!

Unknown 10:04 AM, April 17, 2008  

Thanks for stopping by my humble little blog.

15 dounuts? Ouch. I would be laying in the weeds at about the 2 mile mark...a muffled growning would be heard...not a pretty picture.

At least you can say you won after going through that. The poor guy who wolfed down 20 can't even say he did it for the win.

Gotta Run..... 11:49 AM, April 17, 2008  

Eating Doughnuts on the run would make me super sick. It would not be pretty!!!

Congrats on your 1st place win.

Love the cop photos. I was rolling in the floor at that fact that you took pictures of this. Priceless!

J~Mom 4:36 PM, April 17, 2008  

It takes a special gut to do a race like that.

Tea 6:29 PM, April 17, 2008  

15 donuts and a first place? I can't think of a better way to spend the morning.

Molly 7:36 PM, April 17, 2008  

At least you are not at home thinking, "if only I had eaten just one more doughnut!"
Take Care

Molly 7:36 PM, April 17, 2008  
This comment has been removed by the author.
teacherwoman 8:12 PM, April 17, 2008  

Hmm. Sounds like an interesting run! Nice job!

Jamie 8:22 PM, April 17, 2008  

Wow. One donut every 2 minutes? That is ridiculous!

Congratulations man! You have a stomach of steel!

IronTriTim 8:54 AM, April 18, 2008  

So your training for next year, to get a single digit time will include eating donuts? I like your training plan, think that is one I could follow.

triguyjt 12:25 PM, April 18, 2008  

the japanese eating machine, kobayashi, has nothing on you....okay..he could probably kick your esophagus in hotdog eating but can he motor a 5 k or an ironman like the great speedo'ed one??? i think not

KK 1:00 PM, April 18, 2008  

Winning back to back races? That is amazing.

I seriously can't believe that you ate 15 doughnuts. That is the most amazing feat of all. Nice work!

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