Week in Review: FINALLY a 'Normal' Week

>> Monday, October 28, 2024

Just over 3 weeks ago was the TC 10 Mile.

The week after that was pretty normal, just with less effort earlier in the week.

Two weeks ago was a TINY week of training as we were on a 6-day road trip to Yellowstone.

Then finally last week was a very normal week. Here's what it looked like:

• MONDAY was a slightly shorter long run, good legs, and biking to work. I was planning on doing a half marathon this past weekend as Henry ran a 10K, but we ended up not doing that (BUSY week getting back to normal after our trip). I didn't know we weren't going to do the race until Tuesday, so I cut it shorter on Monday. I did 5 harder miles in the middle at 6:18 pace.

• TUESDAY was 8x200 in the pool and good upper body. Nothing fancy in the pool, and a good upper body routine.

200s and drills in the pool.

• WEDNESDAY was an easy run, legs and core, and biking to work. This was the first time since my long run on the 14th (a week after the TC 10 Mile) that my calves didn't hurt. (If you noticed in my "TINY week of training" post, I have an "injury" note on the 14th.)

• THURSDAY was a short upper body day, and then a hard ride. The ride was 20 tempo miles with a 20.3 mph average (nothing too hard/fast partly because the first 14 of those 20 miles were into a decent wind) within a 30 mile total ride.

• FRIDAY was like Wednesday: easy run, legs, and core. I COULD have done a hard run as Fridays are my "speed days," but I was trying to be smart and give my legs another week of rest. So this week I'll throw in some speed work at the end of the week! (Hopefully!)

• SATURDAY was a shorter upper body circuit day, a trainer ride, and a quick easy outdoor ride. Again, short on time this week, so my upper body routine wasn't big. And same with my ride: just 80 mins with 3x10 min efforts in the middle.

First real trainer "workout" since early May! (I've had some easy spins throughout
the summer, but not an actual WORKOUT on the trainer for 5.5 months.)

• SUNDAY was just some core. And some walking and stretching. Sure, it would have been a nice weekend to race a half marathon, but it was also nice to have a more mellow weekend after a busy week of getting back to normal after being gone for 6 days.

An easy race week, a "building" post-race week, a week on
the road in Yellowstone, and FINALLY a "normal-ish" week!

Hoping my heel pain is done and I can have another good week of training!


Bench Press Fail

>> Saturday, October 26, 2024

It has been a long time since this has happened!

I was lifting in one of the quiet college gyms where I teach (it's often DEAD in there), and I loaded up the bench a bit. I started with sets of 8x135 lbs, and then upped it to 155 lbs near the end after a few sets.

Well, I THOUGHT I could get one more rep... but I couldn't. I had to roll the bar down my chest and pick it up off my lap. I hope the security guard watching from the camera in the ceiling had a chuckle.

Below is not some sort of "sexy abs" shot as I don't care for my abs, but it's just me showing my red belly after rolling a bar with 155 lbs on it off my body so I wasn't trapped under it:

Oops. Oh well.


Friday Funny 2367: Knock-Off Halloween Costumes

>> Friday, October 25, 2024

More funny things on SportsAndLaughs.tumblr.com. HAPPY WEEKEND!!!


Friday Funny 2366: Innuendos

Lots more funny things on SportsAndLaughs.tumblr.com.



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