My Official Photos from the TC 10 Mile

>> Monday, October 14, 2024

I had SO MANY race photos from the TC 10 Mile 8 days ago where I surprised myself with my 2nd ever sub-60:00. Here are a few that show the course of the day:

Back there in the middle at the start.

My "Pinky and the Brain" shorts visible under that guy's fist!

On the right around 1 mile in.

Don't know where this is, but it had to be early because of how dark it is.
(I remember some strobe lights going off around mile 1.75 or so.)

Don't know where this is either, but there's Nathan in the foreground!
As I mentioned in my race report, he really pulled me down Summit Ave!
(This *could* be rounding the top of the steep hill at mile 5.)

Mile 4.5 coming up from the Marshall Bridge.

After mile 8 - knowing I had sub-60!!...

... and still going hard!!

Then fast-forward to mile 9.5... there were photographers just before where my brother-in-law Matt snapped a few photos of me as I ran by. Here's me in that pack of 3 other runners, including the woman I went back-and-forth with a few times in the last 4 miles:

I look pissed here, but I was THRILLED knowing I was on my way to sub-60!

My pack buddies.

Up the final little incline before the downhill finish!

Downhill past the Cathedral!

I was now leading that pack of 4!

Pained! (HAPPY, but pained.)

Awkward hip drop.

Chin down and sprinting!

Lip curl! (That happens when I'm breathing really hard!)

I'm torn: my bicep looks BIG, but it also looks loose and flappy. Gross.

Now a few feet farther at the finish line:

Hitting the line! All by myself.

Ah yes... the always coveted "stopping the watch while crossing the line" photo.

Striding across the line.

Pooped. Happy.


Walking over for a high-five! (She's the one in my race report who I told
"WE HAVE A SHOT AT SUB-60!" around mile 7. WE DID IT!)

Through the finisher's area!

Related posts:
- My pre-race thoughts
- My TC 10 Mile race report
- Ben Garvin's finish line photos from the marathon
- CT Ryan's photos from the 10 Mile and Marathon


2024 TC 10 Mile and TC Marathon Race Photos

>> Saturday, October 12, 2024

Twin Cities in Motion posted more photos from race day, including lots of images from C.T. Ryan. Here are a few I'd like to share:

The lead cyclists pre-10 Mile. (The 10 Mile starts at 7, and it's still pretty dark!)

The pros taking off at 6:55 a.m.

Corral 1 lined up and ready to race!

Zoom into the suspicious guy looking around in the last photo, and you can see that it's me!

10 Mile underway!

10 milers heading out.

A new part of the course, heading under the Guthrie's cantilever on the far left.

The marathon ready to start an hour later!

Running up Hennepin!

Spoonbridge and Cherry in the background!

2 blocks later next to the Walker Art Center.

Marathoners crossing the Franklin Ave Bridge (us 10 milers crossed
this at mile 2.75 of our race - the last 7 miles are the same route!).

A bridge full!


Marathoners heading down the final hill with the finish in the distance!!

Post-race people!!

Zoomed-in on that last shot - runners coming under the HUGE flag towards the finish.

Wide shot from the State Capitol grounds with runners and families EVERYWHERE!

In related posts, HERE'S my TC 10 Mile race report, and HERE are a few more final thoughts from the race.



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All content and original images copyright 2006 - 2024 by Steve Stenzel, AKA "Steve in a Speedo." All Rights Reserved.
Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.